Michael Bartram

My Doddy, Diddymen and Knotty Ash Poetry book is my 2nd tribute book to Sir Ken Dodd and my 9th published book in total.
My previous books have been written about the Hillsborough Stadium disaster of 1989 and about Road Safety.
I have always tried to support local good causes and registered Charities in my hometown of Liverpool with donations from sales of my books.
I love writing, poetry in particular and I have written poems about a wide range of subjects (horror, Sci Fi, humour, romance, family related, to name a few). My future goal, is to compile all these poems into one large volume of work.
I was born in Liverpool and proud to have lived my whole life here, I have 2 beautiful daughters and I'm blessed with 2 gorgeous Granddaughters as well!
Music is the other big love of my life, especially 'live' music. I love T.Rex, The Beatles, Fleetwood Mac and lots of other acts, depending on where my mood takes me!
My Doddy, Diddymen and Knotty Ash Poetry
Richie Brown

My name is Richie Brown. I am a member of Netherton Writing Group and U3A in Liverpool. I have been writing short stories for at least two decades and have published three books of short stories that can be purchased from Amazon.
I have also written a set of children’s stories that are being considered by a publisher at this moment. If my work is not accepted, I will be looking elsewhere.
I have recently finished writing a novel that I am in the process of editing yet again but will be looking for a publisher for that as well. I would appreciate any advice with regard to how to approach suitable publishers. With regard to where I would like any of my future stories to be available, I would prefer local bookshops and national bookshops. I prefer not to go through the Amazon route again.
Ramsey Campbell

Ramsey Campbell was born in Liverpool in 1946 and now lives in Wallasey. The Oxford Companion to English Literature describes him as “Britain’s most respected living horror writer”, and the Washington Post sums up his work as “one of the monumental accomplishments of modern popular fiction”. He has received the Grand Master Award of the World Horror Convention, the Lifetime Achievement Award of the Horror Writers Association, the Living Legend Award of the International Horror Guild and the World Fantasy Lifetime Achievement Award. In 2015 he was made an Honorary Fellow of Liverpool John Moores University for outstanding services to literature. PS Publishing have brought out two volumes of Phantasmagorical Stories, a sixty-year retrospective of his short fiction, and a companion collection, The Village Killings and Other Novellas, while their Electric Dreamhouse imprint has his collected film reviews, Ramsey’s Rambles, and his study of the Three Stooges, Six Stooges and Counting. Their latest collection of his tales is Fearful
Implications. His latest novel is The Lonely Lands from Flame Tree Press, who have also recently published his Brichester Mythos trilogy. His other novels from Flame Tree include Fellstones, Somebody’s Voice, The Wise Friend and Thirteen Days by Sunset Beach.
The Lonely Lands
Somebody's Voice
Ramsey's Rambles
The Searching Dead
Ancient Images
Told By The Dead
The Wise Friend
By the Light of
My Skull
The Inhabitant
of the Lake
Born to the Dark
Midnight Sun
Holes For Faces
The Way of the Worm
The Village Killings
Just Behind You
Visions from Brichester
Catherine Cavendish

Following a varied career in sales, advertising and career guidance, Catherine Cavendish is now the full-time author of a number of paranormal, ghostly and Gothic horror novels and novellas.
Her novels include: The After-Death of Caroline Rand, Nemesis of the Gods, Dark Observation, In Darkness, Shadows Breathe, The Garden of Bewitchment. The Haunting of Henderson Close, The Devil’s Serenade, The Pendle Curse and Saving Grace Devine.
The Crow Witch and Other Conjurings is a collection of her previously published and brand new short stories.
Her novellas include: The Darkest Veil, Linden Manor, Cold Revenge, Miss Abigail’s Room, The Demons of Cambian Street, Dark Avenging Angel, The Devil Inside Her, and The Second Wife
She lives by the sea in Southport, England with her long-suffering husband, and a black cat called Serafina who has never forgotten that her species used to be worshipped in ancient Egypt. She sees no reason why that practice should not continue.
The After-Death of
Caroline Rand
Nemesis of the
Dark Observation
In Darkness,
Shadows Breathe
The Garden of
The Haunting of
Henderson Close
Devil's Serenade
The Pendle Curse
Grace Devine
The Crow Witch
Linden Manor
Dark Avenging
The Devil
Inside Her
The Demons of
Cambian Street
The Darkest Veil
Kevin Cowdall

KEVIN COWDALL was born in Liverpool, where he still lives and works. In all, over 200 of Kevin’s poems have been published in journals, magazines, and anthologies, and on web sites, in the UK and Ireland, across Europe, Australia, Hong Kong, India, Canada, and the USA, and broadcast on BBC Radio and RTÉ Radio, Ireland.
His 2016 retrospective collection, Assorted Bric-à-brac brought together the best from three previous collections, with a selection of newer poems. His most recent collection, Natural Inclinations, features fifty poems with a common theme of the natural world.
His poem for children, The Land of Dreams, was published on the Letterpress Project website, wonderfully illustrated by Chris Riddell.
Kevin is also the author of a novella, Paper Gods and Iron Men (WWII desert survival), two novels The Ghost in the Room (contemporary crime thriller), and Cosgrove’s Sketches (the story of an Edwardian Liverpool artist), a short story collection, The Ophelia Garden, and a play, Sometimes.
The Ghost in the Room
Cosgrove's Sketches
Paper Gods and
Iron Men
The Ophelia Garden
Natural Inclinations
Nicola Friar

NICOLA FRIAR is a writer, editor, and blogger based in the Liverpool City Region. Her debut novel, A Tale of Two Glass Towns, features a fictionalised version of her hometown of St. Helens. It was published by Olympia in 2023. She is an avid reader of many genres and adores time travel stories, but her main interest is the lives and works of the Brontë family; she makes regular visits to their former home - the village of Haworth - and runs a Brontë-themed virtual book club. She has also edited and contributed material to four Brontë anthologies including The Brontë Sisters: A Room of Their Own (available on Amazon) and Tales from the Genii (available exclusively from The Crow Emporium). Additionally she has contributed short stories to other anthologies including I Know Ghosts Have Wandered the Earth (available on Amazon). She blogs under the name The Brontë Babe at www.brontebabeblog.wordpress.com. You can connect with her on Twitter and Instagram under the handle @BronteBabeBlog and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/BronteBabeBlog.
A Tale of
Two Glass Towns
The Bronte Sisters
A Room of Their Own
Tales from the Genii
I Know That Ghosts
Have Wandered
The Earth
David Gennard

David Gennard is an adventure thriller writer from the UK.
He graduated from The University of Manchester with an MA in Creative Writing, studying under M.J. Hyland, Jeanette Winterson, and Ian McGuire.
When not writing, David can usually be found on set shooting promotional photographs on films such as The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry and TV shows like Billions.
David’s debut novel, Marie Cadieux and the Fever Coast, tells the story of sleeper agent Marie Cadieux, who is activated to sabotage the building of the Panama Canal.
He currently has several books in development.
David lives in the Wirral with his partner and his two children.
Marie Cadieux and the Fever Coast
Laura Graves

Laura Graves is a psychological, crime thriller writer from Liverpool. Her new series is set in the heart of Liverpool and uses real locations for the purposes of criminal and geographical profiling. Laura has an extensive career in Psychology and Criminology. You can talk books and current reads on Instagram @thelauragraves or find out more about her and her new books on Facebook or at www.lauragraves.co.uk.
Rob Keeley

My name is Rob Keeley and I am a children’s and young adult author, holding author workshops and teaching Creative Writing to children and adults within the North West and online. I am a Creative Writing MA graduate of Lancaster University and a winner of the Georgina Hawtrey-Woore Award. I have been a judge for the IGGY and Litro Young Writers’ Prize and am a supporter of the Children’s Media Foundation. In 2020 I was Children’s Writer in Residence at the Stay at Home Literary Festival.
For more information/links, see listing under children/YA
Death at
Friar's Inn
Flloyd Kennedy

Flloyd Kennedy is a poet, playwright, actress, director, singer-songwriter, voice coach and writer/creator of the audio comedy podcast "Am I Old Yet?" Born and raised in North Queenland, she moved to the UK in the late 1960s, where she married and raised two sons in Scotland. Since moving to Liverpool in 2017, she regularly performs at the monthly Dead Good Poets Liverpool sessions at MerseyMade Cafe, Paradise St, and the online Dead Good Poets Lancashire sessions. She has published three collections of poetry, "Sunsets & Kites: scatterings of light and dark in poems, songs and essays", "Home is Where I Hang My Pot: poems fierce and gentle from somewhere over the hill" and “It’s Only a Matter of Time: even thought time, as such, does not exist”.
The books can be ordered at your local bookstore, and they are also available directly from the author's website below and from online book selling sites.
Sunsets & Kites
Home Is Where
I Hang My Pot
It's Only A
Matter of Time
Jude Lennon

Jude Lennon is a former Early Years teacher who escaped and set up a storytelling business called Little Lamb Tales. When she isn't telling stories at Primary schools, community events, festivals and libraries, Jude loves to write. She has published around twenty children’s picture and chapter books. Many feature her mascots Lamby and Flossie. She has also published a collection of short stories for adults and a full length novel Kintsugi which won The Best Adult Fiction category in the Write Blend Book Awards..
She is passionate about books, words, stories and creativity and believes that reading is the door to the world. She visits schools to deliver a range of workshops including storytelling, creative writing and author talks, designed to inspire and encourage future readers and writers.
She is involved in many projects with literacy and creativity at their heart including The Liverpool Literacy Cycle, Kingsley & Co where she is a patron and Builder Book, which is an arm of Split Perspectivz CIC and delivers literacy boxes and den building workshops across the city. The most recent project was for Eurovision and was based on the theme ‘United by Music’. Jude and business partner Natalie Reeves Billing were invited to 10 Downing Street to receive a Points of Light award for their work.
Jude lives in Liverpool with her partner Dom who is a musician. She has become adept at blocking out the sound of drums while writing.
A Slice of Lennon
Estelle Maher

ESTELLE MAHER was born in the heart of Liverpool, England. After spending her teens in rural Dorset, she returned to the North of England and now resides in Wirral with her husband, two children and three dogs.
Her career has been varied, but she is now Managing Director of TAUK Publishing, assisting other authors to get from idea to publication. In her spare time, she’s quite at home with a paint brush, upcycling furniture. She also writes a blog , The Secret Diary of a Middle Aged Woman, a humorous snapshot of random thoughts.
Estelle has been writing on and off for a number of years, and writing the blog was her first step in writing for an audience that was wider than her and her husband.
Her debut novel, Grace & The Ghost, won a Best Spiritual Fiction Award 2018, and her spin off Angel’s Rebellion also became an Amazon bestseller. Her third novel, The Killing of Tracey Titmass, is based on her own cancer journey. Told in diary form, it offers an alternative way of accepting cancer.
Estelle is now in recovery and still smiles every day.
Grace & The Ghost
Angel's Rebellion
The Killing of Tracey Titmass
Dear Jane,
Love Daisy
Pablo The Drug Lord Panda
JP Maxwell

JP MAXWELL has run a newspaper kiosk, worked for a Californian software company and studied Russian language at the University of London. Now he writes books, makes films and lectures in Creative Writing and Digital Writing at Liverpool John Moores University.
With a passion for the more scandalous aspects of history that reveal truths about modern life, Maxwell runs the @outandaboutwithmaxwell vlog across social media platforms, taking us to the ghost buildings of Liverpool to reveal their hidden, often murky stories dredged from a time when it was the richest, poorest and hardest city on Earth.
WATER STREET by JP Maxwell, a mule-kick of a spy yarn set in Liverpool during the American Civil War
Water Street
Ruth Parry
Dyslexic Author RUTH PARRY has launched her latest novel, Thirty Pieces of Silver, published by TAUK Publishing. Early signs are very positive with 5 star reviews internationally.
The start of a new crime-themed series, it marks a departure from her previous supernatural-themed and critically acclaimed Divine Timing novels that sold in UK, America, Australia, New Zealand, Germany and even made it as far as Antarctica.
Ruth draws on her career in Social Care which spanned decades to produce rich and colourful characters.
Thirty Pieces of Silver introduces young Constable Septimus Plant and a host of dastardly characters living in Lowchester Village. Set in the 1940s, postwar Britain, Thirty Pieces of Silver, is an evocative whodunnit immersing the reader in the sights, smells and ration books of the era.
Ruth produced The Wordsmiths for local radio and appeared on About Books episode 30 on Bay TV Liverpool. She is a regular on ITV2’s Soap Fever and BBC Radio Merseyside with Jermaine Foster.
Thirty Pieces
of Silver
Paul McDermott

Born in the Year of the Tiger, PAUL MCDERMOTT has a feline instinct to roam. His wanderlust has taken him to Scandinavia, Germany, Ireland and many of his yarns are based there.
The Castle in The Chapel of Her Dreams is VERY real. Paul's dream is to BUY and restore the building, which once belonged to his Clan. The second book in the series, The Island of Her Dreams is now finished and Book 3 is planned.
Paul's latest book, Home Rules is out now. He has also just signed a contract with US publisher Wild Ink to publish his historical fantasy Perori and its planned sequel.
Other works include a series of books for children, each set in a different Liverpool park
The Chapel of
Her Dreams
(as Paul Freeman)
The Spear
of Destiny
Taking the Heat
Home Rules
Colin Stewart

COLIN STEWART was born and bred in Liverpool, where he still resides. He studied Philosophy at Reading University (his dissertation an examination of Ludvig Wittgenstein’s private language argument).
An avid reader of fiction, Colin only came to writing by degrees, with short stories in magazines following film reviews, while ideas for something in the longer form bubbled away below the surface.
The subject of Flid - a real-life thalidomide survivor - was the first big project to really grip. From an originally quite narrow conception, Flid would quickly evolve into the full-scale biography of a life (with fact and fiction eliding in a literary manner).
Flid is a debut novel that comes in two parts, with the second - concluding (and as yet unnamed) - half to arrive in the spring of 2024.
Colin is currently working on a novel with the running title ‘Swop,’ in which two characters from different ends of the track get the chance to live one another’s life (in a book concerned with gender and class).
Colin is to launch a Blog in the next couple of weeks, where he will examine the process of reading and writing, while sometimes also turning a critical eye on the world of film. Topics to be covered include ‘The representation of disability in popular culture,’ and ‘Why read Jack Kerouac?’
Bob Stone

BOB STONE is an author and playwright, and the owner of Write Blend Bookshop.
He has been writing for as long as he could hold a pen, and some would say his handwriting has not improved greatly since. He is the author of (so far) one picture book and two chapter books for younger children, a YA fantasy trilogy and accompanying novella, and one novel, a collection of short stories and an anthology of one-act plays for adults.
He lives in Bootle with his wife and cat, and can be found on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
Letting The
Stars Go
The Custodian
of Stories
Check It Out Now!
The Somme Rat

The Stars We Are
(One-Act Plays)
John Thompson

I was born in Liverpool in 1976, the year recently voted Britain’s happiest. An indicator of things to come, I’ve always maintained the uncanny skill of arriving at the party just as everyone else is getting their coats!
I’ve loved books for as long as I can remember. I always stayed out in relatives houses. None of them were big readers so after reading my nan's dog-eared stack of Mills and Boons for the tenth time I decided to try and write a story of my own.That path, following a few detours, finally led me to Ruskin College, Oxford where I studied Creative Writing. Through no fault of the tutors, one being the much missed Alistair Wisker a man who found time to encourage those who had not previously received encouragement, writing became like mathematics to me, full of rules and formulae. That and the glorious by-products of student life led me to forgo my studies altogether and following stints working on the railways and in factories, in schools and more recently children’s homes I’ve decided to revisit my love of writing.
With the support of my wife, Natalie and my three kids, Joseph, John and Evie I finally realised my ambition of writing a novel. Hopefully my writing will keep me off the tracks and out of the classroom.
Dog and Other Mammals
The Book of Jobe
Ian M Williamson

Ian M. Williamson graduated from the University of Liverpool in 2015 after studying History and Hispanic Studies, where his historical interests were based largely in 20th century world politics. These studies fostered a lifelong intrigue in what might have been, and provided an insightful basis for his work on an alternate history narrative.